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The Twelve Pounds of Christmas
2005-12-21 @ 8:28 p.m.

Still not doing well with the updating. Will try my best to write what happens no matter what. Last week I went to my second weigh-in, the one where i'm supposed to lose tons of weight because i've spent the week going through fatty detox. I ended up losing 2.5, which isn't too shabby, even if it wasn't the dramatic result I was hoping for. Tomorrow i'm going back for WI #3. This week has been hard. Every day at work there's a new box of chocolates or cookies or a popcorn tin. Our breakroom really does look like the dessert bar at the Hometown Buffet. I'd say that i've mananged to cut down the senseless snacking by 75% of what I normally would have consumed. But that 25% still consists of brownies, doughnuts, and sausage. The reason I joined WW this time of year was because I was fed up (literally) and couldn't deal with any extra holiday poundage. but this is fucking hard. It would be like giving up heroine during New York's Fashion Week. I've been debating with myself whether or not to skip tomorrow and start fresh for next week. Clearly a retarded idea. I need not be skipping meetings with less than a month under my (size 5XL) belt. When I got home from work I hopped on the scale to make the judgement call on whether to skip or not skip, and the damn thing was out of batteries. It's a good thing, because I know i would have seen a bad number and used that as reason not to go to my meeting. SO, i'm being strong and going to the lunchtime meeting tomorrow. One good thing is that i'll probably weigh less at noon than I would at 7pm. Plus I plan on wearing a skirt instead of my fat pants and bulky sweater usual. All i'm asking for is 1 pound lost. I'll even take maintaining for the week. Just please don't let me gain.


Pounds lost: 54.5
Next goal: By July 4th: 75

I am a fat, loserly spinster who lives in a van down by the river.



Last Five:
Bratworst - 2007-05-14
Saying No to Frito-Lay - 2007-05-10
Adding to my collection of Weight Watchers startup kits - 2007-05-08
Still Here - 2007-05-07
Y M C A! - 2006-07-24