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do I get to have a man yet?
2003-09-29 @ 12:08 a.m.

Holy Crap, I lost 4 lbs this week! that brings the grand total to 17!!!! only 3 more pounds away from the Felicity season 2 dvd set. now i can't wait for 20.

i went to a renaissance faire today. I love those things, but I have to admit that it's loser-city. Just a little side note....if you're a fat chick, there is no reason why you should ever participate in belly dancing. NOT EVER. not even in the privacy of your own home. oh and another thing- if you have lots of backfat, please don't wear a corset. it only pushes the flab upwards making it look like you have breasts on your back. It's not that these things offend me, but it makes all fat chicks look bad. let's not give the world more reasons to hate us. did i forget to mention that all these women had men? yeah.


76 min/4mi 807 cals


1 sf 220

1 corn on cob 120

1 turkey leg 400?

2c. rice and beans 350 cals

1 pickle 10 cals

total around 1100.


Pounds lost: 54.5
Next goal: By July 4th: 75

I am a fat, loserly spinster who lives in a van down by the river.



Last Five:
Bratworst - 2007-05-14
Saying No to Frito-Lay - 2007-05-10
Adding to my collection of Weight Watchers startup kits - 2007-05-08
Still Here - 2007-05-07
Y M C A! - 2006-07-24