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One small step closer to not dying alone
2004-01-12 @ 11:42 p.m.

Today was fat crack city on Married With Children. Don't get me wrong, I fucking love that show...and i'm even willing to put up with (and sometimes even laugh at) the fat jokes because...well because they can be funny. I'm not a humorless bitch, I swear I'm not. My major beef with fat jokes is that most of the time THEY ARE NOT FUNNY. Example...Saying that someone's ass is so big they will break a chair is not funny. However, starting off a long why-I-hate-my-life diatribe with "a fat woman walked into the shoe store today..." IS funny. there is a distinction. But I digress....

This particular MWC was one of the exceptions...its premise was entirely about fat women without being funny. Al has an idea to put a fitness studio next to the shoe store. His boss likes the idea, but decides to make it a "metabolically challaneged" (AKA LARD BUCKET) fitness studio. Al and his friends then proceed to be disgusted at the fatties parading around in leotards. Two of the women feast on corndogs after a workout.

Fatty number 1--"didn't our instructor say not to eat after our workout?" Fatty number 2--"no, he said not to eat DURING our workout."



I did pretty well today. The weather has been freakishly warm so i've been walking again. I did an hour of that today and then I just did 30 min. on the elliptical while watching Will and Grace. good stuff.

So something else really cool happened today... I went shopping in Old Navy. and not just....look for baggy mens clothes and accessories shopping...actual WOMEN'S department shopping. I can officially button up their pants now, and although most of their fitted shirts are still too tight...i'm getting closer.


LC 230 cals

Tuna sandwich...350 cals

popcorn (fatty kind)....250 cals

part of a meat patty....300 cals?

green beans.....50 cals

baked beans.........100 cals

1/2c. fat free cottage cheese....70 cals

1 banana.....100 cals

total 1450ish


Pounds lost: 54.5
Next goal: By July 4th: 75

I am a fat, loserly spinster who lives in a van down by the river.



Last Five:
Bratworst - 2007-05-14
Saying No to Frito-Lay - 2007-05-10
Adding to my collection of Weight Watchers startup kits - 2007-05-08
Still Here - 2007-05-07
Y M C A! - 2006-07-24