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fuck that fucking diet
2003-12-14 @ 11:58 p.m.

ok, I know I had all these grand plans for that stupid diet....but fuck it. I quit. I starved myself for 2 whole days and didn't lose a damn thing. I should have known better. Actually, the starving part didn't bother me so much as the whole not getting to choose what goes in my mouth part. I feel like i'm at a point in my life where I can make healthy choices....but I just can't stand having someone dictate exactly what to shove down my throat. it feels like you're in prision. So i'm going back to losing the old- fashioned way: by not being a lardass.

I've been doing pretty well so far so i'm going to stick with what i'm doing.

I did end up losing a lb this week (pre-diet) so i'm very happy.


Pounds lost: 54.5
Next goal: By July 4th: 75

I am a fat, loserly spinster who lives in a van down by the river.



Last Five:
Bratworst - 2007-05-14
Saying No to Frito-Lay - 2007-05-10
Adding to my collection of Weight Watchers startup kits - 2007-05-08
Still Here - 2007-05-07
Y M C A! - 2006-07-24