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fat forever
2003-10-12 @ 1:08 a.m.

I feel like i've hit a wall. I just can't seem to break through this 20lbs barrier. I"m at my sister's now which means the situation isn't likely to improve anytime soon. I have to deal with the added temptations i face here plus the fact that I can't really work out like i'm used to.

I weighed myself on Friday and I was the same as I was on Sunday. That blows. Danielle showed me this article that said that now people are having to build super-sized coffins for our fat country. how sad is that. If i weigh over 600 lbs when i die...just set fire to my house. seriously, spare me that one final embarrassment.

The cool thing about the article though was that it touched on a point which i think a lot of people don't realize when they crack on fat people... to sort of steal for thomas moore (well, actually my understanding of Thomas Moore's Utopia as explained in the movie Ever After)...this country first makes people fat and then punishes them for being fat. whatevs.


1 sf 220 cals

4 chicken mcnuggets 200?

1 bowl chili 300?

1 HC 300 cals

total 1020


Pounds lost: 54.5
Next goal: By July 4th: 75

I am a fat, loserly spinster who lives in a van down by the river.



Last Five:
Bratworst - 2007-05-14
Saying No to Frito-Lay - 2007-05-10
Adding to my collection of Weight Watchers startup kits - 2007-05-08
Still Here - 2007-05-07
Y M C A! - 2006-07-24